
Products Vacuum Formed Blisters

PET Blisters

Arka offers transparent PET vacuum formed blisters for packaging. PET blisters have wide range of applications like packing of consumer goods, tools, spares, food, apparel, stationery, electrical and electronic goods.

Arka offers customized solutions with different thickness and sizes depending on customer needs and the blisters are 100% recyclable and both food grade and regular grades are offered.

PET vacuum formed blister packaging

Bio-Degradable Blisters

Fast changing regulations are pushing institutions and consumers to go for better alternatives to conventional plastics. Bio-Degradable or Bio-Compatible is one of the most accepted alternate for single-use applications.

Arka offers certified Bio-Compostable blister packing materials like cups, plates, lids etc., which are 100% Bio-Compostable and meet international standards.

PP corrugated box

Reach us at or +91 93615 20495 to discuss your requirement.